Register Plugin Help

Even though the plugin has been tested thoroughly, please use it on your own risk.




Installation Instructions

  1. Download the plugin from
  2. Extract the file with its contained directory structure into the plugins folder of your CMSimple installation. It's now ready to use.


CMSimple Website Template

  1. Login as administrator and edit your CMSimple website template.
  2. In your template you should foresee a place for your login form. There you need to place the following code:
    <?php echo registerloginform(); ?>

    This will display a login form that allows the user to specify username and password. In addition, he might want to set cookies to allow auto-login until next explicit logout.
    horizontal layout vertical layout
    Below the login form there is a link to a registration page. The registration page can have either a graphical confirmation code included or a mathematical formula:

    Confirmation Code as Image ("image")

    Confirmation Code as Formula ("formula")

    Besides the password field a link will lead you to a page where you can enter your email to get your account settings sent in case you forgot your user name or password:

When logged in you will see instead of the login form a logout link and a link to a user preferences page.
horizontal layout vertical layout

The user preferences page looks as follows:

  1. If you want to use the administration mode feature, place an additional link in your template instead of the CMSimple loginlink. Place the following code:
    <?php echo registeradminmodelink(); ?>
    Note: This feature works only if you don't use CMSimple's security_wwwaut option.

Access Restricted Pages

  1. Login as administrator and select the page for which you want to restrict access permissions.
  2. In your page, e.g. just below the heading, insert the following code:
    #CMSimple $output.= access('member,admin'); #

    This will allow only users who are members of the access groups 'member' and 'admin' to access that page. All other users will receive an error message when accessing that page saying the the page has restricted access permissions. In addition, you may choose to hide these pages also from table of contents using the 'hide_pages' configuration option of the Register plugin.


Plugin Administration

  1. Login as administrator.
  2. Go to the Register plugin "Plugin Configuration" tab. Here you might want to change the "senderemail" to your domains webmaster's email. The entries have the following meaning:
  3. usersfile relative path to users file
    groupsfile relative path to groups file
    remember_user displays checkbox in login form to enable auto-login until explicit logout - even when closing the browser
    hide_pages hide pages in table of content to which the user does not have access
    encrypt_password encrypt password in users file or not
    logfile allow logging of login/logout of users in a log file
    group_default default group for user after registration, but before activation
    group_activated default group of user after registration and activation
    group_administrator adminstrator group name (not yet used)
    login_layout layout of the login form:
    • horizontal: a horizontal layout (about 200px)
    • vertical: a vertical layout (about 150px)
    image_login image name for login button
    image_logout image name besides logout link
    image_forgot_password image name for forgot password link
    image_user_preferences image name besides user preferences link
    senderemail Email to be used for sending out activation emails to users after registration.
    captcha_mode one of the following three modes:
    • none: no validation code to be used
    • formula: a mathematical formula used for validation
    • image: an image with a code used for validation
    captcha_font Name of font to be used for captcha images
    captcha_crypt Crypt phrase to be used for MD5 encryption/decryption of the random captcha characters
    captcha_image_width Width of the captcha image
    captcha_image_height Height of the captcha image
    captcha_chars Number of characters to be used for captach images

User/Group Administration

  1. Login as administrator.
  2. Go to the Register plugin "User/Group Administration" tab and then to the "Group Administration" tab and edit the groups. The entries have the following meaning:
    Groupname name of the group, e.g. 'member'
  3. Go to the Register plugin "User/Group Administration" tab and then to the "User Administration" tab and edit the users as you want to have them initially. The entries have the following meaning:
    Username User login name, e.g. 'darwin'
    Password Password for user, e.g. 'Evolution'
    Full Name
    Full name of user, e.g. 'Charles Darwin'
    Email Email of user, e.g. ''
    Access Groups
    Access groups is a list of group names, e.g. 'guest,member'
    Status Status is 'activated' for users which activated their registered account. For all others it's a code of by default characters that is used to match the activation link in the activation email. With status 'locked' it is possible to disallow changing of the user preferences, e.g. for setting up a guest account that is not allowed to change its user preferences.

Note: When writing the user or group file, the Register plugin tries to reconstruct original user, group and permissions. Thus, if you note permission problems, change the user, group and permissions once on your files on server side and Register plugin will set them also on the new file.